Provider Directory

All information provided within the NMRE Provider directory is available in paper form, without charge, upon request and will be provided within 5 business days.​​​​​​​

Translation Services

The NMRE provides translation services for over 290+ languages free of charge, if necessary, through an agreement with LanguageLine. To view a list of languages for which translation is available, please click here

Printable Directory

Click here for a downloadable/print version of the NMRE directory

Language Taglines

Click here to view (downloadable) language taglines



No Records found.

{{ }}

{{ d | address }}
  • Enrollment Status: {{ d.enrollmentStatus }}
  • Services Provided: {{ d.serviceType.join(', ') }}
  • Physical Accommodations: {{ d.physicalAccommodations.join(', ') }}
  • Website: {{ }}
  • Language Spoken: {{ d.language.join(', ') }}
  • Cultural Competency: {{ d.cct }}
  • Counties Serviced: {{ d.county.join(', ') }}
  • Provider Directory: {{ d.providerDirectory }}